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Option C: The Death of History

It seems ever more likely that the Green Belt land east of Gravesend in to be developed on in order to make way for a Lower Thames Crossing.

  • Kent County Council and Highways England have decided that the best way to solve congestion at the Dartford tunnel is Option C. The plan consists of building another crossing on this land. 

  • These fields and the surronding villiages of Chalk, Shorne and Higham have a lot of historical tales to tell.

  • This website will take you back into the past, guide you though the present and look into the future of this area with help from Graveshams' resident Historain Christoph Bull.

To go back in time and  start your interative experience click on the first link below. If you wish to skip ahead or visit a page click on any link below.


1. Christoph Bull: How he became Gravesham's resident historian.


2. Local History at its finest: Chalk, Shorne, Higham and the marsh land.


3.Great Expectations: Charles Dickens' love affair with the land.


4. Option C's development: Is it time to say goodbye ?


5. Hope and fear, Life beyond the  Green Belt land.




