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Hope and Fear: Life beyond the Green Belt Land

Councillor Leslie Hills, the representative for Chalk fears that the building of a tunnel is an excuse to develop the land. He believes the Government knows what they are doing as by building roads it will pave the way for industry to be built and thus provide more to the economy of the area. In an interview in February cllr Hills stated:

" Highways England have made a lot of emphasis on economic development and economic growth so given that a lower Thames crossing in option c does nothing to solve the problem at Dartford I wonder if it’s really true that they are trying to solve the problem at Dartford or create development, economic growth, housing, hotels and a business park east of Gravesend."

To hear his statement click on the audio link below:

Christoph Bull believes it is imperative to preserve the Green Belt Land. The resident historian wants the land to stay the as it is so people can come along and enjoy its history. Most importantly however it is to save the surronding villages.