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Option C's Development:Is it Time to say Goodbye to Our Fields?

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Option C involves the construction of a tunnel that would connect Gravesend to Tilbury. The tunnel would be connected to the M2 by a new road that would be built through Shorne village. It is thought the scheme would cost up to £5.9 Billion.

As well as running through Shorne villiage it will also run across the Green Belt Land on the edge of the River Thames. Residents of Higham and Chalk will be deeply effected by it due to the amount of traffic which will run through their villages.


'Say NO to Option C' sign in Shorne.

The design of Option C

Gravesham's MP Adam Holloway, Gravesham's Council leader John Cubitt, Kent County Councillor Bryan Sweetland are on the side of the residents who will be affected by Option C. They are very critical of Highways England over the plans and their consultation period.

The consultation period started on January the 26th 2016 and finished on March the 26th 2016.

Explore the Timeline below

There has been a great amount of unrest caused by the plans set out by Highways England. Kent County Council leader Paul Carter, Kent County Council, Dartford's MP and the districts fellow councillors are in favour of Option C.

Option C's route

Christoph Bull is one of those who has storngly opposed Option C. He believes that the plan would destory the villiages of Chalk, Shorne and Higham. Not only will it ruin those communities, he argues, but it will mean that from Dartford to the end of the Medway towns there will be one "lump" of concrete.

Check out his arguement by watching the video below.

Move on ahead to look at the potenial future for the fields.